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Kabu Solidário

ID: 982494
Kabu Solidário
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Vaquinha criada em: 06/04/2020


Famílias Kayapó precisam da sua ajuda no Pará

(*English and Français versions below Portuguese text)

Após um ano de pandemia, as 294  famílias que vivem nas Terras indígenas Baú e Menkgranoti continuam a sofrer os impactos da  pandemia do coronavírus. As doações recebidas até agora complementaram as duas entregas de cestas básicas recebidas do governo federal, ajudaram a instalar internet em todas as aldeias e a facilitar a comunicação com o mundo exterior e a comprar materiais de pesca. 

O Instituto Kabu, organização criada pelos indígenas, que atua na região há mais de 10 anos,  tem realizado uma campanha educativa para estimular a vacinação,  que acontece lentamente, já que há muita desconfiança alimentada por um bombardeio de fake news.

Desde junho, os repasses do Componente Indígena do Plano Básico Ambiental (PBA), condicionante para reduzir os impactos do asfaltamento da BR-163 e garantir o licenciamento ambiental da rodovia que margeia as TIs, estão suspensos. O governo se recusa, mesmo com uma ordem judicial, a renovar o PBA. Com isso, os projetos que garantem a segurança alimentar nas aldeias estão praticamente paralisados. Continuamos a precisar de seu apoio.

Você pode doar aqui ou fazer um depósito: 

Instituto Kabu Fundo Kayapó

Banco do Brasil (001)

Agência:  3899-7

Conta Corrente: 18.397-0 

Ajude os Kayapó Megkranotire! Doe agora! #FiqueNaAldeia #KabuSolidario  #SomosTodosKabu #VidasIndígenasImportam



Want to save the Amazon? Save the people that protect it.

The Baú and Menkgranoti Indigenous Lands, in the state of Pará, are home to 294 families living in 12 different villages (tribes). For a year, they have endured the impacts of the pandemic. 

Your support has allowed to buy  food baskets in addition to the ones donated by the government, to contribute to the costs of installing internet access in all villages  and to buy much needed fishing materials. 

Since June 2019, the government has suspended the compensation disbursements it is obliged to pay in order to try and reduce the impacts caused by the BR-163, a road that transports the soy grains from the farms in the Mid-West to the Amazon ports. This money was the main source of funding for food security projects. 

The Kabu Institute is an indigenous organization created to manage projects that generate income and deliver environmental education. In addition, it monitors indigenous territories with a view to preventing illegal loggers, miners, hunters and fishermen from invading the area and plundering resources from the two neighboring indigenous lands. It has been in activity for over 10 years and has been instrumental to ensure the integrity of 6.5 million hectares of forest – the last one standing in the Eastern portion of the Amazon. 

The pressures upon the Kayapó are enormous: river mining activities contaminate the water and deplete fish stocks, and illegal loggers and fishermen also have a significant impact on the environment. The Baú Land is close to Novo Progresso, where in 2019 farmers and land grabbers promoted the so-called Fire Day. On that day, they set fire to huge forest areas in a coordinated manner, including indigenous land. Land grabbing in the region has surged with the announcement of a railroad to transport soya and other grains to northern ports. 

Vaccines are now available for the Kayapó, but they have been bombarded by fake news and, despite an information campaign ran by the Institute Kabu vaccination is happening very slowly. 

Help the Kabu Institute to keep the Kayapó safe in their villages. 

# WeAreAllKabu #kabusolidario 

You can donate here or deposit any sum into the following bank account: 

Beneficiary: Instituto Kabu Fundo Kayapó

Bank: Banco do Brasil (001)

Branch sorting code: 3899-7

Current account number: 18.397-0 


Les familles Kayapò du Parà ont besoin de votre aide

Les presque 300 familles qui vivent dans les Terres Indigènes Baù et Megkranotire sont isolées à cause du coronavirus. Ils ont besoin d'aliments de première nécessité comme de l'huile, du riz et du sel pour compléter leurs alimentation et également des produits d'hygiène. L'Institut Kabu, organisation créée par les indigènes, implantée dans la région il y plus de 10 ans est à la recherche des donations pour maintenir les indigènes dans leurs villages.Nous monterons une logistique de distribution pour que les produits arrivent en toute sécurité et sans contamination à tous ceux qui en auront besoin.

Aidez les Kayapò Megkranotire !Faites un don maintenant

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