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Família Dadour no Brasil

ID: 309797
Criada em: 24/05/2018
Família Dadour no Brasil
0 coração recebido
R$ 67.380,00
R$ 500.000,00
Você e a vaquinha concorrem a R$ 15 MIL
  • Sobre
  • Novidades0
  • Quem ajudou

Kaysar Dadour, vice-campeão do BBB18, participou do programa para realizar seu principal propósito e sonho de quase oito anos. Reencontrar a família e dar-lhes segurança. Os pais vivem na Síria, sua terra natal, em meio a uma guerra civil. A irmã vive no Líbano. Os fãs de Kaysar estão dispostos a fazê-lo realizar este sonho. Com a aceitação do sírio, estamos arrecadando fundos para isso.

Kaysar's message 


My name is Kaysar and I am here because I need your help. 

I’m asking for your support and generosity to help me reunite with my parents who are imprisoned  in the middle of a bloody and violent civil war in Syria. The civil war has been going on for more than 7 years and has destroyed families and claimed the lives of almost a million people. Violent armed groups are slaughtering civilians everyday in the Syrian conflict. 

I was fortunate enough to have escaped the violence and destruction in Syria a couple of years ago. Thank to God, I survived and managed to overcome many obstacles to establish myself in Brazil. However it came at a high price and I had to be seperated from my family. We have not seen each others for years. 

I cannot be grateful enough for the generosity of the Brazilian people who welcomed me with an open heart. Brazil feels like home as Brazilians value family, love and peace as I do. I’m reaching out for your help as my family is living under fire and constant deadly threats. I’m doing everything in my power to save them but I need your support to make it a reality.  Every donation will make a difference in many ways. Every donation will just get my mother and father closer to safety.  I will be eternally grateful to God and to everyone making a contribution. I believe in God and believe in the goodness of people. God has great plans for everyone of us and I believe that part of my destiny is to save my parents from the hell of pain and violence they are surrounded by in Syria. 

 I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Peace, Love and God bless.

Você e a vaquinha concorrem a R$ 15 MIL
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